                        Primetime on MSNBC:  Thursday, August 12, 2004
THE ABRAMS REPORT (6PM ET/3PM PT) <http://www.abramsreport.msnbc.com> 
        Amber Frey's Testimony Continues:
Are her words on the stand really helping or hurting the prosecution's case to prove 
Scott Peterson is a murderer? As Amber Frey takes the stand for day three of her 
testimony, Dan
Abrams is there with the latest update on the case.
HARDBALL WITH CHRIS MATTHEWS (7PM ET/4PM PT) <http://hardball.msnbc.com>
        Head to Head:
Vietnam veteran John O'Neill defends his attack on Senator Kerry's leadership, while 
Senator Robert Byrd attacks the leadership of President Bush.  Watch as both men play 
hardball with
Chris Matthews.

        NJ Governor McGreevey Resigns:
Garden State Governor Jim McGreevey steps down today, after announcing he is a "Gay 
American", and has been involved in an extra-marital affair.
COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN (8PM ET/5PM PT) <http://countdown.msnbc.com>
        Campaign Spots:
It's exciting and entertaining, or is it?  Get the bottom line on what it really means 
when a candidate comes to your town.
        Numbers Never Lie?:
The latest political polls show Senator Kerry slightly ahead of President Bush.  But 
these numbers really give us an accurate measure of how the November elections will 
turn out?

        Bad Weather, Bad News:
As two tropical storms bear down on Florida, Keith shows you what you can do to stay 
in the face of wicked weather.

DEBORAH NORVILLE TONIGHT (9PM ET/6PM PT) <http://norville.msnbc.com>
        Ready for the Challenge:
He's stepping up to a daunting challenge. Now, Alan Keyes reveals to Deborah why he 
he can win his historic senate race against Barack Obama, the Democrats' rising star.

        Scott Peterson Trial:   
Peterson... Hacking... Married men living double lives. Were there clues their wives 
should have seen? Deborah Norville Tonight at 9 on MSNBC.

SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY (10PM ET/7PM PT) <http://joe.msnbc.com>
        Oil-for-Food Scandal:
Were U.S. administrators helping Saddam skim millions? Joe gets the real deal as he 
continues to follow the money in the U.N. Oil-for-Food scandal. 

        Kerry Controversy?:
Vietnam veteran Lt. Col. David Hackworth shares with Joe his inside view on the Kerry 
Swift Boat controversy.

*Schedule subject to change.


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