seems to be a problem with the use of TRANSFER here:

(defun process-coin-server-request (stream)
  (let ((request (read stream)))
    (case request
      (transfer (process-transfer-request (cdr request) stream))
      (execute (process-execute-request (cdr request) stream))
      (blocks (process-blocks-request (cdr request) stream)))))

Also redefines BLOCK and so we probably need to declare shadowing at the top. 

Not sure what the quickload stuff was trying to accomplish, but my resident 
version of Ironclad kept shadowing anything imported by quickload. No SHA3 
digest in my resident version, so I replaced it (for now) with the bleeding 
edge version from GitHub. That worked, as far as I can tell.

Actually had to compile buffer twice in order to get past the TRANSFER error 
(not sure why that even works?) but the system appears to be hung waiting for 
some kind of network connection. Perhaps you could give us a usage hint?


- DM

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