Thanks for your reply!

About MAKE-PACKAGE - good catch, will fix that!
This is definitely not what I have intended, nor what is currently
implemented by any other implementation. I have blindly copied it from
DEFPACKAGE, not noticing that it delegates errors to MAKE-PACKAGE as

About DEFPACKAGE - this is analogous to the :USE clause. Note that the
"incompletely-created named package" problem indeed exists in the ANSI
standard, since when the :SHADOW clause is present, it must call
MAKE-PACKAGE with an empty :USE list. After that it calls SHADOW, and
finally calls USE-PACKAGE. If a name conflict happens at the last
stage, a correctable error is signaled; and if you don't resolve those
conflicts but instead exit the debugger via the ABORT restart, you
will end up with a defined named package with an empty USE-LIST.

Best regards,
Alexander Fedorov.

On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 at 05:34, Steve Haflich <> wrote:
> There is a very subtle semantic problem in this proposal.  Focus on this 
> seemingly-harmless requirement on the :local-nicknames arg to {def, 
> make-}package:, so subtle that probably no one else has noticed it yet
> Name conflict errors are handled by the underlying calls to 
> add-package-local-nickname.
> where apln is specified to signal a package error under certain 
> circumstances.  It is in the design of ANSI CL -- though rarely exploited in 
> practice -- that normal errors can be handled and recovered predictably and 
> harmlessly.  There are many circumstances in CL where an error might be 
> signaled by a standard function, but all the ones I can think of (e.g. 
> vector-push or open of a file) would be expected to leave the world in an 
> unaltered state (in any way that can be detected within the ANS) when an 
> error is signaled.  (I'm discounting bumps to *gensym-counter* when a 
> compilation fails.)  But this "handled by" specification strongly implies 
> implementation and the order of function side effects; apln cannot be called 
> until after the package exists, but when t, so subtle that probably no one 
> else has noticed it yethe error is signaled and the defpackage "fails" is the 
> incompletely-created named package left around?
> Quite possibly this problem already exists somewhere within the ANS package 
> system -- haven't thought about it very hard -- but it isn't the sort of 
> thing conformance test suites would test for.
> On Sat, Jul 6, 2024 at 1:04 PM Duane Rettig <> wrote:
>> --------
>>     Date:  Sat, 6 Jul 2024 18:56:15 +0200
>>     From:  Alexander Fedorov <>
>>     Dear all,
>>     Over 10 years ago, SBCL implemented the Package-Local Nicknames (PLNs)
>>     extension. Since then, PLNs have also been adopted by multiple
>>     implementations (ABCL, CCL, ECL, Clasp, Allegro CL and LispWorks) and
>>     are now widely used in many projects.
>>     However, PLNs are still considered experimental, as stated in the SBCL
>>     manual, since there is no formal specification for them, and each
>>     implementation interprets various corner cases differently. While the
>>     need for a specification has been previously discussed, I was unable
>>     to find any publicly accessible draft for one.
>>     Therefore, I have drafted a specification intended to become a CDR
>>     document. I initially wrote this draft about a year ago and have
>>     recently revised it. You can find the latest version here:
>>     There are currently nine unresolved standardization issues, each with
>>     at least one proposed resolution. Input on those issues would be
>>     particularly helpful, but any feedback is welcome!
>>     P.S. I am sharing this link across multiple platforms to reach as many
>>     lispers as possible. This includes various mailing lists (Lisp Pro,
>>     CDR-discuss and -devel for various CL implementations); IRC channels
>>     (#commonlisp and implementation-specific ones); the Lisp Discord
>>     server; several Telegram groups; and a post on Reddit. If you have any
>>     suggestions for additional places to share the link, please let me
>>     know.
>>     My apologies to those receiving this message multiple times.
>>     Best regards,
>>     Alexander Fedorov.
>> Alexander,
>> I have not read this specification draft, but when asked for plns by a
>> customer I found it easy to implement years ago with little
>> controversy from my point of view, even on top of our Hierarchichal
>> Packages implementation.  The only discrepancy I had found (which
>> might now be corrected, since it was in 2019) was that sbcl's
>> documentation described plns as not being abot to co-exist with
>> global names.  I made the assumption that the documentation was either
>> incorrect or out-of-date, based on my experiments with plns in sbcl as
>> I was implementing them in Allegro CL.
>> The documentation for Allegro CL has been available since the
>> implementation was provided in a patch for 10.1, and the current
>> description is here:
>> Hopefully there are not too many conflicts with your proposed spec.
>> Duane Rettig

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