> No refutation on this POV?  Things are kind of quiet out there?
> I thought I heard and read where the actions we were taking 
> would embolden the terrorists and the insurgents, but this 
> document from AQ in Iraq seems to be saying very clearly that 
> recruitment is down, the Iraqi National Guard is actually 
> able to 'shield' the Americans (does this mean the Iraqi 
> National Guard is actually becoming effective?) ...
> Also, the rank and file Iraqi citizen is providing G2 against 
> terrorist and insurgent operations/locations ...
> So what's up?

If we allow ourselves to bit-twiddle over the ups and downs, we'll just
sink deeper into the quicksand.

This big picture is that a clear majority of Americans now think the
invasion was a mistake.

This being the case, our elected representatives have unambiguous
marching orders to end it. 

But they're not listening.

How could this be?

Who are our representatives really beholden to? There are only 2
possibilities: the donors that paid for their campaigns and the people
they represent. The difference between the Democratic party's membership
and it's leadership is plain for all to see.

I couldn't find a quote I had once seen about when you're on the wrong
road, no number of turns will make it right, but I did find this:

"Recognize and reconstruct your path. You have been deluded. You are on
the wrong road. Turn about now, or you will sow the seeds for your own

The road we're on is marked with signposts saying "arrogance" and
"belligerance". The warmongers would have us believe the sky will clear
further down this road, but that's just another lie. What is really
further down this road are darker skies and terrible storms.

We're being spun to believe there are only a few dead-enders left, they
are all hiding in caves, and soon we will finish the rest of them off.
This was a lie the last time it was proclaimed and  it's a lie now. The
truth is that the more people we kill, the more enemies we make. If this
is hard to understand, imagine foreign soldiers coming into your town
and killing some of your family and friends. How would you feel? Factor
in religious fanaticism and modern science and see the witches brew for
what it is.

The other road, the one marked with "love" and "charity", is the better,
smarter choice. Love does trump hate, and it is better to give than to

Turn the wagons around!


> V/R
> //SIGNED//
> Stephen S. Wolfe, GS-11, DAF

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