! > Let me summarize Bill's response to Stephen's call for a 
! refutation. 
! > 
! > "I can't refute the facts on the ground in Iraq now, since 
! > they don't point to the immanent doom and gloom and massive 
! > arab uprising prediction that I'm peddling. So, instead, I'll 
! > pretend we're not a Republic and assert that our elected 
! > officials are actually supposed to throw aside the platforms 
! > and positions they got (solidly) elected on
! Right. Except the non-choice was between "war straight up" or "war
! sideways", so war was solidly elected. My, what an incredible 
! surprise! 
! What that election really proved is that the process is corrupt.

"My opinion was in the uber-minority; therefore, the process was

! > with every up or 
! > down pulse in the media-conducted opinion poll _de jour_. On 
! > that basis (the fallacy that we are a direct tele-democracy, 
! > supported by the fact that many politicians in fact do govern that
! > way) I'll argue instead that our leaders are beholden to 
! > special interests by not supporting the position of the 
! > people at the moment according to Wolfe Blitzer and Bill 
! > Schneider, and pump the doom-and-gloom prediction from that 
! > angle. 
! If a man is walking into a fire, and you tell him he's going to get
! burned, is that gloom and doom? 

Except if he is a fireman and there are women and children in the
building he'd be negligent to take your advice.

! > Also, I am totally closed to any notion that what 
! > we're doing is good, so I'll impune the motives of everyone 
! > else who supports the policy, as obviously they are either 
! > bad people in bed with evil neo-con cabalists and Big Oil 
! > mercenaries, or totally delusional morons."
! I don't give a hoot for their motives, I just want them out of

For someone who's supposedly indifferent to motives you sure use a lot
of pejorative language to describe the motives of people who don't
agree with your position. (Not that I don't; I just don't pretend to
be indifferent to motives.)

You've accused me of being a dupe and a propagandist despite my
openness about what I believe and pains to describe where I am at odds
with the folks who are currently in power (particularly on the
subjects of immigration and trade), even to the point of exposing
arguable contradictions in my own worldview. You really are
unidimensionally negative about what we're doing and yet you believe
in windmills like "fixing" the UN and ruling the world through its
charter. (Which, philosophically speaking, is totally at odds with our
national charter, though you claim to support that too.)

You want certain people out of power so badly that you are incapable
of seeing good in anything, and are always so grumpy. 

I almost want them out of power too, just so you'll cheer up for a
change. But alas I fear that unless you are ruling the world as
benevolent Secretary General and Dictator for Life of the New and
Improved United Nations, you'll be grumpy and negative no matter what.


- Bob

! Bill
! > 
! > Did you read it differently, Stephen?
! > 
! > ;-)
! > 
! > - Bob
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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