- - -
Asked why the Bush administration, if it had known about the
information since April or earlier, didn't advertise it, Hoekstra
conjectured that the president has been forward-looking and
concentrating on the development of a secure government in Iraq.

Offering the official administration response to FOX News, a senior
Defense Department official pointed out that the chemical weapons were
not in useable conditions.

"This does not reflect a capacity that was built up after 1991," the
official said, adding the munitions "are not the WMDs this country and
the rest of the world believed Iraq had, and not the WMDs for which
this country went to war."

The official said the findings did raise questions about the years of
weapons inspections that had not resulted in locating the fairly
sizeable stash of chemical weapons. And he noted that it may say
something about Hussein's intent and desire. The report does suggest
that some of the weapons were likely put on the black market and may
have been used outside Iraq.

He also said that the Defense Department statement shortly after the
March 2003 invasion saying that "we had all known weapons facilities
secured," has proven itself to be untrue.

"It turned out the whole country was an ammo dump," he said, adding
that on more than one occasion, a conventional weapons site has been
uncovered and chemical weapons have been discovered mixed within them.

- - -

So much for "no WMDs found". While I agree these are small potatoes
compared to what we believed we'd find, it's quite possible we haven't
found everything, and it's possible what we thought he had was hidden
somewhere else. And even these "small potatoes" can kill.

But in any case, for those who are interested here is a factul
reference in the declassified summary one can point to in order to
refute the "no WMDs found" argument. You cannot say "no WMDs were
found" all you can say is "only about 500 chemical WMD munitions were
found so far." If these had been found right away, when every stray
fart was screened for WMD content in the initial post-invasion search,
then our political dialog would be very different right now... But
they were found well after the official news cycle, as evidenced by
how little play this got in the media yesterday.

I also don't think it's reasonable to say they were "secure" before
the invasion but the invasion made them "insecure". They were
dispersed to god-only-knows-where so that the inspections would never
find them, either, which raises the question in my mind if Hussein
even knew where all of them were. As Leland might say, "plausible

And I definitely don't think it's fair to say "Bush lied" -- clearly
he believed there was significant stockpiles there and on that basis
made a good part of his decision (Geore Tenet's "slam dunk"), which is
one reason why he's not trumpeting this. The idea that this was all
fabrication of some pinheads at PNAC also doesn't float because, for
one thing, these WMDs are real, and the suspicions about Iraq's
capabilities and potential collaboration with Al Qaeda have been
around for years and were equally pumped by Democrats and Republicans
in their turn. I will gladly pull out the quotes again, not to mention
the 1998 ABC News story centered around the 1998 indictment of Bin
Laden that alleges that very connection, all over again. It's funny
how they sunk down the memory whole when it was politically

Talk about an inconvenient truth...

- Bob

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