Assuming you HAVE subclassed your controls ( you always do that don't you?)
then simply modify the base class refresh() methods to look at a global
Object property eg. oGlobal.Enable_Edit which you set as you traverse the
data and set the Enable property of each control accordingly.

Dave Crozier
 The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and to lie
about your age 


-----Original Message-----
Of Sytze de Boer
Sent: 21 July 2006 05:33
Subject: Re: Inno Setup question

Hi foxers
Can some of you give opinion/advice please

I have a free standing table, and a form with a 25 page pageframe Altogether
there are some 100 text boxes and/or check boxes etc.

As the client scrolls throught the table, depending on a specific flag, I
need to either make the ENTIRE form read-only, or not read only.

Is there a way to do this with (say) ONE command, or do I have to identify
each and every text box, check box.
e.g., if okay, thisform.text1.readonly=.f.

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[excessive quoting removed by server]

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