On Aug 5, 2006, at 3:17 PM, Whil Hentzen (Pro*) wrote:

Rule #1: Customers do NOT know what's in their database.

Rule #2: When a customer assures you that their database is clean, see rule #1.

My favorite example of that is an application I did just when eMail was-a-comin' into general use. The client established a corporate standard for email address, let's say first-initial--last- [EMAIL PROTECTED] To save the good clients some data entry time, I populated the eMail address field following the standard. However, since I wasn't sure *everybody* would follow the standard (there are a lot of T. Johnson's around here), I added "MADE-UP" to the end of the field. Easier to delete that then typing it in.

Ten years later, about 80% of the folks still had the MADE-UP email addresses.

OBTW, save the lectures: I would not do such a thing these-a-days unless specifically directed to do so...


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