>Welcome back! Hope you didn't throw your VFP notes away :) 
No they are all nicely boxed in the garage, I could not bear to toss them, even 
thou it seemed at the time I wold never make a buck doing VFP again.  

>On your question, I think you want SETALL 

Yes, Yes that is it.  (I'm doing a happy dance.)

Glad to hear that VFP is kicking.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Bill Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sep 6, 2006 1:29 AM
>To: 'ProFox Email List' <profox@leafe.com>
>Subject: RE: How to Set the same property on different Objects on a form all   
>Hi Anthony,
>Welcome back! Hope you didn't throw your VFP notes away :) 
>Good news is VFP technical resources have continued to grow, and
>libraries are stocked. Ed's archives are still online (bigger) and with
>google you can find a bunch of other resources. 
>VFP is looking real good! VFP9SP1 is very stable. ON the marketing
>front, I think we're going to see overseas sales of the product take
>off, and that should drive MS to reconsider it's position on product.
>With Big Bill headed out the door ...
>On your question, I think you want SETALL 
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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