Hal didn't ride the short bus for nothing.  

--- Hal Kaplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> => -----Original Message-----
> => [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Robert Calco
> => Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 14:05
> => To: ProFox Email List
> => Subject: Re: [OT] Pope stest the world straight.
> => 
> => 
> => On Sep 15, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Michael Madigan
> wrote:
> => 
> => > Did you think that one up all by yourself?
> => 
> => No I think that was supposed to be vengeance for
> my previous 
> => comments exposing his and Ed's tendency to circle
> jerk each 
> => other (metaphorically speaking) around people Ed
> pretends to 
> => be "above" (but which Hal, to his credit, does
> not believe 
> => himself to be so far above that he doesn't mix it
> up with 
> => them from time to time).  
> => I believe I even used the term "masterbatory" to
> describe 
> => the part of his reply to Pete that he
> misrepresented as 
> => intellectual. Hence the payback by calling me a
> "mass debator"...
> => 
> => (Yikes, talk about the wrong imagery for a sunny
> Friday 
> => afternoon...Sorry everyone...)
> => 
> => All the same I did chuckle at it, and took it as
> a sign of hope...  
> => With such an agile vocabulary as he has
> demonstrated in this 
> => and other epistles, he may one day shock everyone
> and post 
> => an original thought.
> => 
> => ;-)
> => 
> => - Bob
> => 
> LOL.  You have one hell of an imagination.  If you
> want to get into a battle of wits, stop flattering
> yourself and get some ordnance.
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Sigmund Freud Sez: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

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