I have an invoice table, which is related to a detail table.
The invoice table is also related to the order entry table.
The order entry table is linked to to tables one is bill codes, the 
other is,dept codes
Finally I have a table that is the history of the work being done, 
linked to dept codes.

So a simple sketch of relationships

|---- Invoice Details
|---- Order Entry
           |---- Bill Codes
           |----- Department Codes
                     |----- History Worked

When I do things in the command window, ie browse invoices, I get the 
results I expect. If I line up the windows for each table browse so I 
can see them all, and pick an invoice all data appears as it should.

Now the fun is I want to create a report from this scenario
At the top would be the invoice and its details
Below that would be the order entry table with its two children
Below that would be the history table

Is this a multiple detail band report... I've never used them before. If 
so, how would I do it? (Hints please)
Also, the simple report of the first query takes a long time to 
display... How Can I speed it up?


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