On 10/04/11 15:37, Michael Savage wrote:
> Also, the simple report of the first query takes a long time to
> display... How Can I speed it up?


By 'the first query' do you mean just the invoice and its detail?  Or do 
you mean a query producing the entire hierarchy you showed?

What is the backend?  VFP?  SQL Server?  Something else?

NOMBB (None Of My Business, But), this report is kind of a strange 
mishmash of different business functions.  I've never seen anyone who 
mixed the order entry detail in with the invoicing, let alone adding the 
work history.  Are you sure they know what they're asking for?

I think I'd look at breaking things up into more digestible chunks.  One 
query for the invoicing stuff, another for the Order entry stuff, then 
either process them separately or merge them together later.  Then, if 
it's slow, you'll know which piece is the problem.

Dan Covill

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