On 2/2/2012 1:06 PM, Dan Covill wrote:
> On 02/01/12 17:01, MB Software Solutions, LLC wrote:
>> But in my example, you don't change the code at all, regardless of the
>> backend, because I was calculating off the locally created cursor.
>> Hence, it works no matter if I switch backends or not.  Remember you
>> only tie to VFP objects and cursors.  The backend handles updating the
>> REAL data store.  If he were querying on SAVED/STORED data, then I'd
>> agree to move that to the DataObj, but the example was on BUFFERED data
>> in the UI, not yet committed.
> OK, you have a point, and an exemption will be granted in your case.
> But be warned, this could be a sign of approaching apostasy.  You will
> be watched, and any further drift toward heresy will not go unpunished.


Mike Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
President, Chief Software Architect

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