I'm working on a utility to convert between CSV and DBF files.  I build an 
array based on the information included in the CSV file, manually assign fields 
names, and use it to create a DBF file.  I plan to save the array in a memo 
field in a Formats table used to store formats.  
When a CSV file is read, the system will build an array and then compare it to 
each saved format.  If there is no exact match, the system should report the 
discrepancies and facilitate the creation of a new format.
I'm thinking I will need to make a copy of the array to a different name before 
I store it and then restore the arrays one at a time and compare the array 
elements to determine compatibility.  It would be nice to somehow embed the 
format name into the DBF file so that the system could figure out which 
definition to use to do the conversion to CSV.
Here are my questions:
Is there a better way to change the name of an array than dimensioning a new 
one to match the configuration and copying elements one at a time?
Is there an unused area in the header of a DBF file that could be used to store 
the format information.  If not - I can rely on the file name to determine 
which format to use.
Thanks in advance,

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