On 3/5/2012 5:03 PM, Ed Leafe wrote:
>       The more things change...
>       Consultants who gouge customers is pretty much a given with any segment 
> of computing. I remember a company I did some work for who wasted several 
> years and untold $$ with a consulting organization that promised to move them 
> to Microsoft DNA back in the 90s. Finally management tossed them out with 
> nothing to show for it. Fast forward a few years and another consulting group 
> was hired to move them to the world of .Net. Guess how that story ends.
>       The problem isn't the technology; the problem is incompetent management 
> that just likes to spend their big budgets and pad their resume so that they 
> can jump to a more lucrative job before the house of cards they are building 
> collapses.

BINGO.  Saw this at my last gig.  Sad.  Good people lost due to this 
kind of incompetence.

Mike Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
President, Chief Software Architect

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