On Friday 20 October 2006 14:43, Michael Madigan wrote:
> Because it affects us here.  A terrorist with a
> nuclear bomb will ruin your whole day.  Why do you
> think we don't give a shit about the people being
> slaughtered in Darfur?  Because those poor dumb
> bastards can't affect us.
> And we will never fix anything here.

Hi Michael!

Better days are coming. We could improve things without "fixing" them. Part of 
it could come from general prosperity. I think the Rs are going to get a 
scare this time and lose a few seats. If they lose control it will only be 
for two years. Inconceivable that Ds can hold on longer than that as 
out-of-touch radical as they are getting. If the Ds do moderate, on the other 
hand, then that would be progress.

The law to fix the border has been passed, The feminism ideal that leads to 
the single mom bs is going out of style. We could deport all 13 million in a 
month, three weeks if you and I were in charge of it . . . Finally, the 
sleeper cells can become deader cells in a few shots. Optimism!


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