On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 7:35 AM, Kevin Cully
<kcu...@cullytechnologies.com> wrote:
> Hello all.
> I was thinking of this situation last night.  And I'd like to throw in
> on the opposite side, just for balance and perhaps a bit of 'devils
> advocate'.  I fear what I am about to say will be taken the wrong way,
> but I feel I've got to at least mention my opinion.

I toyed with the idea of doing the same, then the thought that I'd
just stay the heck out of this made more sense...  <g>

BUT, now that the subject has come up of true Freedom of Speech and
Rights, I wanted to add my .02 shillings worth.

This is a private club that Ed, if he so chose, could cull or add to
at his discretion. The very reason that this list was formed 13 or so
years ago was because of a fight over Freedom of Speech, or more
accurately, perceived censorship that just came to a head one day. Out
with Darcy's mailing list, in with Ed's.

However, being a 'club', there is no reason that we can't decide (or
dictate) what is considered appropriate behavior. If you belonged to a
cheese making club and someone came for years and years and complained
about how crappy their cheese was, yet never seemed to take advice to
heart, or contradicted the advice given (if they knew what they were
doing they'd be making decent cheese for example so STFU), oh and from
time to time shout racial slurs at people either directly or
otherwise, I think I can say that most reasonable people would find
that distasteful enough to tell that person "this ain't the place for

And despite all the repeated misbehavior, Pete is still allowed to
play in the sandbox, just now it's inside the fence...

I confess that being a white guy from a small town in Oregon that I
didn't know what the term was that he was using, and it wasn't until
people voiced their displeasure about him using it that I then looked
it up. Wow....

No, I don't have to read his emails... Yes, I can put a twit filter in
place... but should I really have to? Isn't there an expectation of
appropriate behavior that when I show up here at ProFox that there is
at least a certain amount of decorum and at least casual

I'll defend your right to free speech any day - you wanna stand on the
street corner and say whatever is on your mind I don't have a problem
with that. When I walk by and you start following me down the
sidewalk, then you and I have a problem. I think I broke that guys

Matt Jarvis
Eugene, Oregon USA

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