Hello all.

I was thinking of this situation last night.  And I'd like to throw in 
on the opposite side, just for balance and perhaps a bit of 'devils 
advocate'.  I fear what I am about to say will be taken the wrong way, 
but I feel I've got to at least mention my opinion.

I fully support Ed's decision to ban Pete for two weeks.  If I was in 
Ed's position, I may have banned him for a month, or six.  It's hard to 
say what I'd do in his place.  This list is Ed's and is under his 
benevolent control as a private not-for-profit enterprise.  Heck, I'm 
sure that Ed has paid some good money over the years either in hosting 
fees, or in loss of billable time to help keep ProFox [ProPython] 
[ProLinux] running for our benefit.

That being said, I'd like to talk about freedom and offensiveness. I get 
offended every day.  Really.  And to quote Thomas Jefferson [out of 
context], it "Neither picks my pocket or breaks my leg." Words are just 
words.  The first amendment is not about protecting the speech that you 
agree with, but to protect the speech that we don't agree with, and yes, 
the speech that we find offensive.  I don't have a right not to be 
offended.  I do have a right to Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of 
Happiness.  (I think those words should be capitalized, don't you?)  I 
hate 'thought crime' legislation.  I want more freedom, even if that 
means that I get offended more often.

I don't often quote Thomas Jefferson and Frank Zappa in the same email, 
but here goes:

Most of this email is on two separate subjects: Ed's ProFox (a private 
enterprise) and Government (a public enterprise) so I'm probably getting 
way OT.  I *love* that Michael Babcock set up his own twit filter.  
This, right there.  Well done.  I don't read the OT list because I don't 
want to see the ultra-conservative and ultra-liberal because I find it 
offensive.  Yup, offensive.  Of course, I'm okay with being offended as 
long as I have the right not to subscribe to the OT list, that I'm not 
forced to read that, and I do just that.

Freedom.  There's nothing more important.

Thanks for all you do Ed!  Thanks to the ProFox list for all of the help 
you've all given me over the years.  I hope Pete grows more kind to 
others over time.  One thing is for sure ... Pete will continue to be Pete.


On 07/02/2012 05:01 PM, Ed Leafe wrote:
>       I have received a flood of complaints from list members about the 
> recent disgusting posts of hatred. The poster has been suspended from the 
> tech list for a period of two weeks.
>       I am sorry for having to take this action, but we've always had a 
> sensible policy of permitting all sorts of posts on the OT list, but 
> restricting the profoxtech list to technical matters. Some people receive the 
> list at work, and cannot be having such backwards, brainless hate spewing 
> into their inbox.
> -- Ed Leafe
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Searchable Archive: http://leafe.com/archives/search/profox
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