I just had an email off Kurt regarding the classes and rather than just reply 
to him thought I would copy the group with my response:


* Email from Kurt:
Hey Dave!

On 11/13/2012 6:58 AM, Dave Crozier wrote:
> To All,
> I was just playing around with VFP last night after having developed my first 
> metro app in Visual Studio last week and wondered  how a Metro style 
> interface could be developed in VFP. A small video of the results of my 
> deliberations is at:
> http://www.replacement-software.co.uk/VFP_Metro/...

What U R working on here does sound interesting. I will definitely have to 
check out that video shortly...

> ...When I have a set of classes in workable form then I intend to post the 
> source on Codeplex with full source.
> The fox can still run with the best...

Can it? It seems not according to some of the folks on the ProFox list - 
who think that NOBODY should even CONSIDER doing New Apps Development 
for a New client in VFP!

I'm surprised that Ed would even say that - considering his ProFox list 
is based around FoxPro!

And - I have even been considering Real Basic as a new option to develop 
in - since its so closely related to VFP.


* Response
I must admit that getting back to VFP after aboout 4 months solid C# Visual 
Studio development was a real eye opener in terms of the speed you can do 
things in VFP. OK, I'm an old (very, very...) lag at VFP now but it is just 
refreshing being able to do things quickly and easily with a fully understood 
set of commands without spending most of your time finding out what 
methods/properties a particular component or framework has.

The thing that prompted me was the purchase of the Telrik set of components for 
designing Metro Apps in C# and I thought "what a good idea, why not the same 
thing in VFP.." and the rest is a concentrated 4 hour blast at programming up 
the components you can see in the video.

By objective was to generate all the components to easily drag/drop without 
having to resort to programming each component, hence the "drag Drop Component" 
you see in the video which is a class you just add to the Metro Workspace 
and/or Metro Group. It handles all the drag/drop of components within its own 
container without any programming whatsoever and this is what took most of the 
time up.

Please take a look and let me know your thoughts.

PS. As for RealBasic, it is great for cross platform work and Ed's comments 
about new work are spot on the button if you are NOT a VFP seasoned developer. 
However, as most on this list are, then it doesn't really apply.

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