Is is a personality type,
regardless of gender? Is is a geek thing that we *are* willing to tolerate
stuff that we need to puzzle out to get it to work right?

Interested in sharing your experiences, opinions, or out-and-out WAGs?

Dealing with this stuff is part of my job, and I sometimes enjoy the challenge of figuring things out at work--if I feel that I'm not under a lot of pressure to solve a problem quickly, and if the person who presented the problem is not one of those people who think that being "computer illiterate" 15+ years after computers became ubiquitous is cute.

However, that enjoyment does not extend to connectivity problems. Way too many variables, and swapping devices/cables/connectors in and out to track down a problem is seriously boring and often physically inconvenient to the point of pain.

And I absolutely hate it when some personal device fails and I can't fix it quickly. For some reason I am more likely to get emotional and even panic if a device that I own and depend on breaks.

I sometimes get into recreational programming, but I do not consider struggling to get hardware or software to work on my own time to be fun.

Ken Dibble

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