Kurt wrote on 2013-01-16: 
>  I found this tool on the VFP ProFox downloads page called CLUE. The
>  description mentions:
>  "Class Library Utility Extension - A tool I started back in '95 with Tom
>  Rettig. Never got around to incorporating Tom's prg2vcx into it."
>  I actually downloaded CLUE - and attempted to use it - and confirmed that
>  won't actually do the PRG conversion to a VCX.
>  So, I'm now trying to create my own inhouse tool to automate the process
>  converting our system from PRG's to (in my case) Forms (SCX).
>  I created this Basic Form that has a Dummy Title. So, the 1st thing I am
>  trying to do is just get my tool to read the title in a PRG I want to
>  convert (I got the proper title) - then update the Properties field in
>  proper record in the SCX (and I got that working too). As such, the
>  item in the properties DOES get properly updated with the new screen
>  However, if I then open the Form - the title is "garbage". Instead of my
>  title wording (in this case "Purchase Order") - which should be Centered
>  the Form - instead, what's displayed is the word "Label1" - and its
>  in the upper left corner of the Form! But, if I go back and look at the
>  Properties field - it looks FINE!
>  Now - here's the REALLY WEIRD part. If I go into properties - and, let's
>  - I simply change the Width item - but, change it right back, like doing
>  Edit and then an Undo. Now, if I close the SCX - and open it as a Form -
>  Title is now correct and centered. JUST by the act of editing the
>  field without ACTUALLY Editing it!
>  Anybody have a clue as to what is going wrong. Its driving me NUTS - and
>  would Really like to get this thing to work - as I know when I show my
>  what I got working - he will be SO THRILLED!!!
>  L8r,
>  -K-


WAG - Compile Form "filename.scx"

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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