On 09/06/2013 04:36 PM, Ted Roche wrote:
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 5:17 PM, Jeff Johnson <j...@san-dc.com> wrote:

He does not remember the last time he shut off this computer.

To quote from earlier in this very thread (
http://leafe.com/archives/msg/487711): "Have you turned everything off and
then on again?"

That's a first step. This is _Windows_. It manages memory poorly. Add-on
programs even more poorly. And without updates, you won't get the patch to
fix the memory leak. Always, always, ALWAYS cycle the machine first. 93.7%
of the problems go away.

And, Jeff, in case your client can't remember that, you can share this
helpful public service announcement reminder:


Off to find a snoot of single malt. tgif.

Make it a double!  Thanks Ted.



Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323


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