Dear Vixens and Reynards:

I have been asked to create a report for certain Work Function Codes (WFCs) determined by a column in the Work Function table (cwkf). In my analysis of the problem, I wanted to see how many such WFCs are and how often they are used in invoices (catx).

I would like to see the number of uses of each WFC even if it is zero. How do I do this last bit? I have a query, but it does not report any of the unused WFCs.

     My query:
   select cwkf.funccode,count(catx.funccode) as storageuse;
   from cwkf left join catx;
   on cwkf.funccode=catx.funccode;
    isstor and year(validfr)>=2013 and year(validto)>=2013 and;
   group by cwkf.funccode;
   order by cwkf.funccode

The first line of the where condition is conditions applying to cwkf; the second to catx.


Gene Wirchenko

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