On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 2:22 PM, MB Software Solutions, LLC
<mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com> wrote:
Buddy of mine is on his condo board and wants to have a website (he says) to
make it easy for members to grab documents and get information.  Needs to be
private.  I was thinking of the old phpBB forums, but I'm sure there are
better options today.  They don't yet have a domain. What do you think?  I
suggested he get a domain and use that kind of a forum.  I did warn him that
they'll be bombarded by the rest of the internet trying to get access (so
those imposters can post links to porn and malware).  And of course, they
don't have any budget allocated for this, so I told him that getting a
website designed probably wasn't his best choice (but this pre-packaged
forum software was).

Ironically, I get this email just now from the phpBB folks (well, at least from phpbb...@gmail.com, which is probably a scammer!!!):
phpBB 3.0.12 is now available , please
be sure to backup your forum before
staring in the update process .

we are happy to help you in updating
your forum safely, please reply to this
email if you are interested in our paid
sevices .

thank you

The fact that it's so plain vanilla AND has grammatical errors makes me very leery of it actually being legit. Oddly, no links or attachments in the email. I always just delete them.

Mike Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
President, Chief Software Architect

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