On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Bob Lee <b...@1amsoftware.com> wrote:

> We use spiceworks
> Good for not only tracking tickets but also inventory of equipment,
> documentation of pc's and licenses
> -----------

We use Track-It and it works fine for a lot of things.

Audits of each computer, PC or Server, on the network done via script of by
independent run.  Work tickets are great for defining what has to be done,
and reports to up chain describing what has been done.

Not Free but CHEAP compared to you writing it yourself.  I wrote the first
Windows client for them back in FP Win days 93-94 winter as I remember.

Not it is a .NET app that uses a sql server db for data over the former
Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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