I've had some experience with MS SQL Server Express as the data engine and have a few applications running live, with VFP9 as the front end and MS SQL as the back end.

However, I want to experience how things would work with MySQL, especially because I have a requirement to connect several stores of the same company with a centralized server in the HQ. Due to the fact that there are constant power failures in this country, especially in the summer (we are now experiencing the most prolongued heat wave in 43 years, with power cuts every single day, a real nightmare.We have been in weather red alert for over two weeks now), I can't rely on a centralized server that would service all the stores through the internet. I am thinking of replication, installing a MySQL server in each store and apply replication to update data on the head office and viceversa, update the stores's servers with new products, prices, etc. This would help tremendously when power goes off in the HQ. Once its up again, replication would act to pull data from all the stores or send updates to their databases. Conversely, the same thing would happen when power is cut at any of the stores.

MS SQL Server Express does not have replication (or rather, it is not a full feature of it). My client is adamant that he does not want to pay for a commercial version of SQL Server, as he is very happy with open source software, especially because it is FREE.

So, I am asking those of you who know MySQL:

1. what version should I download and install in my machine to begin testing (I know there are slight differences in the T-SQL language
   that I must learn how to cope with
2. is full fledged replication a feature of the free version, or would
   I have to buy paid versions of the engine
3. Ultimately, is the switch from MS SQL to MySQL worth it

I purchased Whil Hentzen's book on MySql, but have not had a chance to read it yet.

Anyways, your help will be appreciated.

Rafael Copquin

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