> Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 17:28:57 -0600
> Subject: Conversions & Data Stores & Dinosaurs, Oh My!

> 1. If they insist on Oracle, am I dead in the water? I've never touched it.
> Cavalierly, I think it is just a SQL data base, and the data objects
> undoubtedly exist to do basic data manipulation. But I know there is a ton
> of admin -- I assume their DB admins can take care of this (?)

This is the only part I have experience with.  One of my clients replaced my 
VFP system with a heavy-duty vertical market app using Oracle databases, to the 
tune of some 3 million $!   The app worked OK, but getting the reports they 
were used to turned out to be a challenge, so I was tasked with producing the 
VFP Monthly Business Summary from Oracle data.  

I copied the connection stuff from the Crystal Reports interface they had 
provided, wrote a great big SQL Select, with lots of joins, and son-of-a-gun, 
it all worked.  Had one panic when it took 3 hours to run, because the DB Admin 
decided to change the index tags.  I fixed it by changing my strategy.  You 
definitely want to off-load the DBA chores to their Oracle folks, but the data 
part was fine.

Dan Covill

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