> Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 13:56:24 -0500
> Subject: VFP6: Procedure File Blues
> From: desmond.ll...@gmail.com
> To: profoxt...@leafe.com
> ----------------------------------- 
> Note that a procedure file was already set at the time,  so I made sure
> that I issued the additive command at the end of set procedure to.
> Worked fine (several months).  Last week I started to experience the
> original program too large message again so I once again moved some
> procedure and functions to the new procedure file.
> Began to get errors that file could not be found when executing "valid
> functions" after certain reads.  Solution was to move those back to the
> original program file.
> ---------------------------------

The combination of VFP6, 'Program too large', and multiple procedure files with 
procedures moving back and forth makes me very nervous.

It's obvious that this is a large program, with large code files, and I'd have 
a lot more confidence in VFP9 to handle the details correctly than in VFP6.  
Also, moving procs back and forth between files gives you lots of opportunities 
to screw up by having different versions of the same procedure in different 
procedure files.  Note that if the same proc name is in two files, the last one 
named in a 'set procedure to' is the one that gets executed, unless you say 'do 
ProcName in FileName'.

Note that if you replace the proc file (i.e., xxx.prg) and an xxx.fxp still 
exists, it won't automatically get recompiled.  Are you sure you rebuilt the 
project each time you moved a proc?

Try running the pgm in VFP9 and see what happens.

Dan Covill
San Diego

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