Here's the code:


CREATE CURSOR Test (ClaimID i, PCN i, Admit d, Disch d, Paid d, ProvNum c(9), ICN c(11))

INSERT INTO Test VALUES (56, 6, DATE(2013,1,1), DATE(2013,1,11), DATE(2013,5,1), '9', 'A1') INSERT INTO Test VALUES (3, 6, DATE(2013,1,1), DATE(2013,1,11), DATE(2013,5,1), '9', 'A3') INSERT INTO Test VALUES (7, 6, DATE(2013,1,1), DATE(2013,1,11), DATE(2013,6,1), '9', 'A2') && we want this ClaimID INSERT INTO Test VALUES (90, 12, DATE(2014,2,1), DATE(2014,2,2), DATE(2014,7,1), '9', 'B1') INSERT INTO Test VALUES (81, 12, DATE(2014,3,1), DATE(2014,3,2), DATE(2014,8,1), '9', 'C1')

A complete claim set is defined by the PCN, Admit, Disch, and ProvNum fields. So the first 3 records are of the same claim set. The 4th and 5th record are claimsets unto themselves. I want a query that grabs that ClaimID from the unique sets, so the output would be 3 for the A group, 90 for B group, and 81 for C group.

I'm working on this now with my approach being a join onto itself ("FROM Test A1 INNER JOIN Test A2") and thinking I have to use a MAX of sorts or perhaps TOP 1 with ORDER BY PCN, Admit, Disch, ProvNum, ICN.

Am I on the right track? btw...the data actually is in SQL Server, NOT FOX. I put this code together for quick testing.


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