I'd highly recommend using ASSERTS for this kind of stuff instead of SET STEP. 
ASSERTS are ignored in the runtime environment so you avoid feature not 
supported errors in your EXE while still enjoying dev debugging on demand. 
ASSERTS and TRY...CATCH were some of the best things ever added to the product, 

You just taught me something. At some point the ALL keyword for CLOSE DATABASES 
would throw an error. Now it seems to work just as you might expect. :-)

All the relative pathing and inferring can definitely cause agita. I think I 
mentioned in this or some other recent thread, I try to be as explicit as 
possible now whenever the language allows me to do so; IN clauses and 
alias/workarea references inside function/method calls and so on.
And if you use INCLUDE files things can get even more fun. I forget who it was, 
maybe Bernard Bout, wrote some good blog post about INCLUDE files and pathing.

The other tool besides the coverage log you can have a play with is event 
logging. That should at least show you when the RESIZE method is getting called.


-----Original Message-----
From: ProfoxTech [mailto:profoxtech-boun...@leafe.com] On Behalf Of Ken Dibble
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 11:00 AM
To: profoxt...@leafe.com
Subject: RE: Extreme Case of PRG File Corruption?

 >So everything is PRG based? No VCXs or other binary source that could be 
 >>part of your object hierarchy?

Oh yes, there are several vcx classes involved but I can see all the code in 
them if I step through it. It's just that the debugger Call Stack window 
doesn't see them at the time the error occurs.

What I finally did was just start issuing SET STEP ON and stepping through the 
code. Unfortunately, as Carl Sagan might have said, there are "billions and 
billions" of lines of code that execute during my shutdown process (well, a few 
thousand anyway). Eventually I narrowed it down though...at least enough to 
draw a conclusion.

(And on the way I also found and fixed a bug in a Timer() method that was 
confusing the issue, so that was good news.)

 >The behavior you describe does indeed seem puzzling. What about things like 
 >>SET PROC calls in different parts of your framework?

No, I centralize all of those during the start-up process.

 >FWIW my shutdown routine uses a different sequence than what you've shown. 
 >>First I loop through the forms collection and RELEASE any open forms. I then 
 >>explicitly release various procedure files in the order I want them 
 >released. >From painful experience I learned to be explicit instead of 
 >RELEASE or CLOSE >ALL. (I have not used the EXTENDED keyword on the RELEASE. 
 >Gotta go look >that up...) You never know what order VFP will RELEASE things 
 >and that's a >recipe for C5 errors.


 >If you're firing off a CLOSE ALL before you do the rest of your shutdown 
 >>housekeeping I would expect the unexpected.

Yeah, in the end that's the real solution. I changed that line to CLOSE 
DATABASES ALL, which is the really important part.

I think I added CLOSE ALL early on in framework development when I was trying 
force VFP to release all of its stored classes from memory, so I wouldn't get 
"Remove object from memory?" when I tried to edit something after testing the 
program. Turns out there is no real way to force a running program to do that, 
as many have pointed out over the years. Even if I issue all the magic shutdown 
words as the program shuts down, I still have to (re) do

(or shut down and restart the IDE)

after the program ends (or just answer the annoying question affirmatively and 
move on). So there's no point in a CLOSE ALL in my shutdown routine.

You are right that the main window isn't getting released; there is no explicit 
code that does it. The only object reference to it exists in the form manager, 
which does get explicitly released--but that doesn't cause the form itself to 
be released. So after everything else is done, that form is still there. In the 
normal course of things, before I moved that *completely unrelated* class 
definition out of my general procedure file, it would not error out, even 
though the code in it executed after CLOSE ALL had allegedly cleared the 
required procedure file out of memory.

(I think SET PROCEDURE just creates a "path" statement. I think actual code in 
those procedure files gets loaded into memory the first time it is executed, 
and remains there without regard to the contents of the "path", so that it can 
still run--at least at times.)

So, problem solved, and thank you VERY much for helping me think about it.

However, I still have no answers for the following issues, though I have a 
theory about the second one. (I don't need answers; it is, as George Carlin 
used to say, "a mystery".)

Why does the main form return to its Resize() method (actually, its parent 
class's Resize() method) as the last thing it does, apparently as a consequence 
of being removed from memory by the garbage collector?

Why did moving that *completely unrelated* class definition from one .prg file 
to another cause this problem to start happening?

I have seen strange things in VFP. In particular, I have seen typos and other 
errors in the code run just fine without causing any problems until I change 
something relatively nearby, though not necessarily related. Then the bad code 
suddenly starts throwing errors. In particular, missing ENDPROCs, ENDFUNCs, and 
ENDIFs can be ignored, and then suddenly be detected, in this way.

I can't find any of these in the procedure file in question, nor do I want to 
spend hours counting and comparing beginning and ending code-block lines. The 
thing works as compiled now, with the code reorganization I wanted, so I'm 

But my theory is that the compiler, when taking a particular path through the 
code, sometimes can "infer" the required keyword and stick the appropriate 
token into the object code and "fix" the bug on the fly. 
However, if I change something that causes the compiler to take a slightly 
different path, it no longer makes that "inference" and the bug is detected.

Thanks to all who helped!

Ken Dibble

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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