As of yesterday morning, my client is back up and running.Thanks again to
Peter for repairing the tables, and to all of you who volunteered to do so.
Also thanks for your backup commentary and suggestions. I am going to
forward a couple of these notes to my client, and continue to bug him to do
something (anything better than present) to remedy his self-destructive
behavior. :-)  -- Gee, maybe we need to schedule an Intervention!

On a side note, I have been a part of this community almost since the
beginning. (Ed told me once -- 2 or 3 weeks after the start?) This was not
the only time I was sitting in a client's office desperate for some help.
You all always come through. (Not to mention the infinite number of times I
was banging my head on the desk/wall/floor trying to work through some
self-inflicted problem.)

Thanks, Ed, and all of you. I only hope I have reciprocated enough to make
a difference for others, too.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Dan Covill <> wrote:

> For the last several years I have used ShadowProtect, which is an
> industrial-strength backup system for businesses.  If you have MS Server it
> costs about $900, something called 'Small Business Server' is about $500,
> and 'Desktop' (which is the one I used) costs $99.  Works flawlessly,
> scheduled full and incremental images, and sends you an email with the
> results.  And it doesn't care whether you're using the machine at the time
> or not.
> There are several others free for personal use, but for a business the
> difference between spending $30-50 and $100 is pointless, it's reliability
> that matters.
> Dan Covill
> > Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 17:19:14 +0100
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Table Repair
> >
> > Richard Kaye wrote:
> > > Storage is cheap but you have to have a backup solution that knows how
> to handle open files and doesn't lock files itself when it does its magic.
> A subtlety that often escapes the folks too cheap to backup in the first
> place...
> > >
> > >
> > That's the luxury model.  The basic model is just get everyone out (or
> > after hours) and copy it.  That's the backup I think there's no excuse
> > for not having.
> >
> > Peter
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