Good Evening All:
I would like to be able to read a registry key in Windows 8.1 to see if the 
Windows Defender is active. So:
gbError = .f.  &&on error handles a key not found
goWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
lcKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\DisableAntiSpyware"
lnReturn = goWSHShell.RegRead(lcKey)
do case 
  case gbError 
      gcDefender  = "Microsoft Windows Defender Key Not Found..."
  case lnReturn = 1    
     gcDefender  = "Microsoft Windows Defender Found And Enabled..."
  case lnReturn = 0 
    gcDefender  = "Microsoft Windows Defender Present But Not Enabled..."
wait window gcDefender timeout 1    
I have zero issues reading a registry key in Windows 7 but in 8.1 I get an 
error 'invalid root key'
I am sure it has something to do with the permissions of the key. I checked the 
permissions this and it gives 'read' rights to all users.
But I still can't access the key.
So how do you accesses the key? Thanks for any help.
Best regards
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