
It was brought to my attention today when someone 
    adds a new field to a report
    uses the Expression Builder to select two fields separated by a + symbol
    click OK and OK 
    the ReportBuilder throws an error

This is from the VFP 9 SP 1 ReportBuilder.app
Report Builder Error
Alias is not found.
Line 0 in saveexprwidth():
DO (_REPORTBUILDER) WITH __ReportReturn, 2, __ReportCCObject, 1


Do you want to suspend execution?
Yes   No   Cancel   

I attempted to see if it was on http://vfpx.codeplex.com and the server is
not responding.

So I found the xSource for VFP 9 SP 2 on the Microsoft site. Tracked the
saveexprwidth method in the class panelfieldexpr, in the class library

Adding the following to the end of line 71 corrects the problem:
    and used( m.cAlias )

Say the expression is "alias.firstfield + alias.secondfield"
m.cField contains "secondfield"
m.cAlias contains "alias.firstfield + alias"


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