Sounds more like you're missing a TABLEUPDATE() somewhere.  FLUSH won't
commit an uncommitted record.


On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 8:42 AM, Kurt Wendt <> wrote:

> So - this App I'm working on - I'm having an issue where a VFP error is
> being reported: Table...contains uncommitted changes.
> And, the Buffering is on. There is code that's supposed to properly commit
> the changes - but, it's not working. So - just now - I tried implementing
> the FLUSH Command. But, alas - I'm still getting the uncommitted changes
> error being reported. I even tried using the additional FORCE option for
> the FLUSH command - but, still No Go! I read thru the online help - and it
> didn't seem to give me any pointers.
> FYI - VFP9 SP2.
> Regards,
> Kurt Wendt
> Consultant
> 90 Broad Street
> New York, NY 10004-2205, U.S.A.
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