Hey Tracy - thanks for your feedback as well.

OK - here's the outcome...

FYI - this is all related to a posting I did here about a month - regarding a 
screen that needed to update data, was implemented via a Grid - but, needed to 
update data that was in MS SQL. Some of you will probably remember that thread 
- especially since it got a bit Heated at the time. 

Long & short of it...

The users told me that Only ONE Person would be doing the Update to this 
particular table - which is a Set of Rules based upon Country. As such, I went 
for a bit of a brute-force method. Especially since I wanted to make the 
changes to this particular screen as EASY to do as possible. Understand - there 
is a lot of pressure on me here to Perform (especially since I am a consultant) 
- and a Huge list of tasks was pushed to me that were originally assigned to 
another Developer - since she is now working on the full conversion of the 
system from VFP/SQL to be VB/.Net/SQL. So - they wanted her fully freed up - 
and thus I had to take over the support of this system. 

That's why I must work quickly on things - and do things the easiest way 

So - for this Screen - since it was already designed to work w/a VFP DBF file - 
I did minimal changes so that it would STILL work with a DBF file. I simply 
pulled in the data from SQL upon going into the screen. Then, when they hit 
Save - I run a Method that now pushes the changes over to SQL. 

What I did was still let the one Method run - which commits the changes to the 
VFP Table - and THEN I call the Method to do the SQL Updates. So - in theory - 
all changes were committed to the VFP DBF before I committed them to SQL. Yet 
VFP was reporting the Uncommitted changes error. So - for the Heck of it - I 
swapped around the order of implementing those changes - 1st pushing the 
changes to SQL - and THEN run the Method that commits the changes to the DBF. 
And - sure enough - that worked. But - WHY? Well - I forgot about that when a 
Record is Added - that a Date reformatting is done - so proper Date type data 
gets pushed to SQL. As such, yeah - those Date changes were the Uncommitted 

Anyway - all is well that ends well...


-----Original Message-----
From: ProfoxTech [mailto:profoxtech-boun...@leafe.com] On Behalf Of Tracy 
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:36 PM
To: profoxt...@leafe.com
Subject: RE: Table Buffering & FLUSH(ing the Toilet)!

Kurt Wendt wrote on 2015-08-20: 
>  Hey Fred - Thanks for that input. I just spoke to my Manager about 
> this
issue - and we both agreed that I may just stop doing the Table Buffering - and 
that will help avoid the current problem. But, before doing so - I will try 
doing the TableUpdate() command. Understood about FLUSH not committing and 
Uncommitted record - which is Exactly what I was hoping it WOULD Do. But 
AssUmption on my part...
>  Dave - thanks for your input as well.
>  And - Peter - I'm going to try the TableUpdate() command 1st, to see 
> if
it solves the problem - before bothering to post all the Commands that seem not 
to be working right.
>  FYI - this particular screen was created originally using the Wizard 
> -
and that's part of the problem.
>  Will post back my results...
>  -K-


Be sure to check the results of the TableUpdate() as well.

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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