We found that the bios had to allow USB booting, and the USB system also
had to be in good shape, no oxidized contacts and the like, which is a
problem with older machines in Florida . . .

On 07/04/2017 07:12 AM, Ted Roche wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 11:59 PM, Michael Madigan <mmadi10...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> That was only done in emergencies
> Yup, if a ship was boarded or a camp overrun, there are procedures to
> destroy classified info.
> So, MM, not to drag the thread back on-topic, but did you have any
> followup questions on using an old machine with USB booting a Linux
> distro? I've done this for years to recover hard drive problems or to
> test-drive a new distro before installing, but I usually end up
> installing the distro, as it's faster and doesn't have the space
> restrictions a USB drive does. These days, though, with multi-gigabyte
> thumb drives so cheap, it could certainly be done. As someone said
> earlier in the thread, a slow CPU will still be slow.



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