On 2017-08-01 03:44, Dave Crozier wrote:
I agree with reasoning, but I have a slightly different methodology in
that all table/database variables AREN'T designated with a type prefix
but all programming variables are. This way there is never any
confusion as I reckon that the name in a table should only reflect the
contents not the data type. If you need to make the data type more
obvious then include it in the name i.e:

        Start_Date      D
        Is_Live         L
        Customer_Id     C(20)

Addressing any of these field in mainline programming then becomes
trivial and you can easily do:

Scatter <Table> name oData

dStart_Date = oData.Start_Date

or declare a local/private variable lIs_Live with no fear of messing
things up with no confusion.

Personally I am not a fan of the "M." prefix and find it unnecessary.

Just a FWIW.


Agree with you again! I could see myself embracing the "no prefix in the table" concept.

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