On 2017-08-03 18:23, Darren wrote:
Personally I use this approach ...

STORE m.variable|obj.property|table.fieldname to variable. Fully qualify
everything / always. Easier to debug as well.

Additional to results below ... STORE/ = | with/without m. | with/ without
table open.

No Table Open   x=y             0.1320
No Table Open   STORE y to x    0.0870
No Table Open   x=m.y           0.1328
No Table Open   STORE m.y to x  0.0879
Table Open              x=y             0.2081
Table Open              STORE y to x    0.1644
Table Open              x=m.y           0.1326
Table Open              STORE m.y to x  0.0879

No Table Open   STORE y to x    0.0870
No Table Open   STORE m.y to x  0.0879
Table Open              STORE m.y to x  0.0879
No Table Open   x=y             0.1320
Table Open              x=m.y           0.1326
No Table Open   x=m.y           0.1328
Table Open              STORE y to x    0.1644
Table Open              x=y             0.2081

Can't argue with the numbers, but personally I've never liked STORE. No good reason I guess except it never felt normal (but hey, that's ok...use the Fox at its best, however that is!).

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