I have used and been satisfied with FoxyPreviewer v299z36


On 28/09/2017, Mike <m...@ggisoft.com> wrote:
> Matt,
> I don't think you're missing anything...the Microsoft PDF printer driver
> produces huge bitmap style PDF files and I would only recommend it as a
> very last last last resort.
> I went with the Eqeus PDF driver a few years back and have never
> regretted it.
> www.eqeus.com <http://eqeus.com/>
> Well supported, works great, and is fox-centric.
> Mike Copeland
> Matt Slay wrote:
>> I'm printing a FoxPro FRX to a PDF file using Adobe PDF printer driver
>> from Adobe Acrobat (VFP9 SP2, Windows 10). Printing to the PDF works
>> fine, but the text inside the generated PDF is not selectable text. It
>> seems more like a rendered raster image. My customers are complaining
>> because they want to be able to select text out of the PDF for
>> copy-and-paste operations with other apps on their side.
>> I've also tried the Ghostscript drivers, and the results are the same.
>> Am I missing something?
>> - Matt Slay
>> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
>> multipart/alternative
>>  text/plain (text body -- kept)
>>  text/html
>> ---
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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