So you've worked for two corporations stateside and they both turned out to
be good people.
Perhaps it is you who is naïve then as by your own admission, the two you
have worked for were run by good people and the ones you have read about
were not.
Do you not think that book writers make their money by sensationlism or

As for links between lay's family and bush's family. Surely you jest ?
Anybody that has ever worked in the oil field knows the following sayings:
1. Good ole boys network.
2. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
If you don't know these, then you need to take the time to learn that the
oil field is a close knit bunch.
They may try and screw each other over in business, but they will stand
together also when needed.

I have never said one thing about deregulating anything.
I only want to compare apples to apples.

I don't have a job because I did not keep my skills up to date, because I
can see where the development positions are going.
I am hurting because I don't have the proper credentials to take my skills
to the next level which is project management, or management in general.

I blame nobody but myself, and when I realized what had happened, I finally
decided that its time to learn .net so that I can get back into the
corporate world, because once I'm there, I will work my way back up the

As for enron people being exceptions, well you're wrong there.
I believe people will get by with whatever you allow them to do because that
is the nature of the beast.

Everybody likes to talk about how right they are, but when the chips are
down and total anarchy reins, it will be dog eat dog and if you believe
different, then you're in for a rude awakening.

For me, I hope and pray that something like that never happens which is why
I believe in the old saying about "Do unto others as you would have them do
unto you"

Virgil Bierschwale

-----Original Message-----
Of Helio W.
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 12:11 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Do you think McCain is right?

You're funny too. You're a naive person who think companies like Enron and
people like Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling are "exceptions". You probably think
that Lay's link with the Bush family was just a "social" affair. LOL.

You're a champion of DEregulating every market, right? Let the business
elite do whatever they want, it's good for the economy, right?

Then you complain why you don't have a job, can't find any because they're
outsourcing everything to foreign country. C'mon, free trade, free markets,
deregulation is GOOD... let economic darwinism rule. LOL...

I'm not saying that we must get hid from corporations, I'm pointing the fact
that you can't deregulate everything and let corporations do whatever they
want, because they will pursue their own interests no matter what. You're
naive, Virgil. You're without a job, with no perspective, and still think
(and probably vote for) guys like Bush, Cheney, Ken Lay, etc...

And for your information, I've worked for a big US company from Texas. I
didn't say every corporation or business leader is a crook. Corporations are
good and necessary. But it's clear that there are political forces paid by
big money that want complete freedom for them to act. Exactly why Enron's
guys where calling themselves the "good guys" and champions of free market
and deregulation, while sabotaging the country for pure profit. They're
hypocrite and corrupt and they act easily because of gullible and naive
people like you.

And for your information I worked for big corporations most of my working
life, including a giant multinational from Round Rock, Texas. LOL. Which,
incidently, was a good company overall and not run by crooks.

On 11/26/06, Virgil Bierschwale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You're funny.
> Most of the people running corporations are just like you and me..
> They want a job to provide for their family and they work hard to do so.
> Sure there are unethical people every once in awhile, but people find 
> them out and avoid them like the plague.
> You guys that read something in a book and believe it make me laugh.
> Just because somebody has a theory or an axe to grind, doesn't 
> necessarily make it true.
> You need to come over here and work at some of these large corporations.
> I have worked for a good many of the fortune 500 and yes, I've worked 
> with some of the CEO's and others and its nowhere near like that.
> Virgil Bierschwale
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Helio W.
> Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 2:40 AM
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: Re: [OT] Do you think McCain is right?
> Get a clue...
> **
> *On 11/25/06, Virgil Bierschwale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Get a grip.
> > We'll do the same thing we've done every other time we've ran up 
> > against a wall.
> >
> > We'll invent the next fuel source, after all that's where the term 
> > american ingenuity comes from <grin>
> >
> >
> > Virgil Bierschwale
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   text/html
> ---
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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