Hi folks,
Just had an issue that has been bugging me for a while and I now why but I 
haven’t got a solution to hand… so maybe you can help.

In lots of places we allow users to export their reports and spreadsheet 
results onto their own personal “C” drives. And to do this I implement 

… default folder set in prior coding

cOld_Folder = SYS(5) + SYS(2003)
set default to <suggested destination folder>
cFile = Getfile(……..)
set default to (cOld_Folder)

This code allows the user to be programmatically placed in the suggested folder 
to save/open files.

Unknown to me after all these years, the set default to command has an effect 
on the whole of the VFP thread not just the DataSession you are in. 
Unfortunately for me I have a number of regular timers running that check 
whether any particular file or process is locked, or the system is available 
for use i.e. it can sometimes auto log out the user  to allow system 
maintenance for example. The timers open tables and expect to be in the base 
folder of the application but issuing the above coding changes the base folder 
for ALL the application, hence throwing errors as the tables (all held relative 
to the application folder) cannot be found in the new location.

So, if you action the Getfile() command and stay in the dialogue for a period 
of time during which the timers fire, then the timer coding cannot open it’s 
tables as you are no longer where it expects you to be.

Looking at the help file ( OK, I should have looked at it years ago!!) it 
“The SET DEFAULT command is not supported in either single or multithreaded DLL 
servers. This command changes the default directory of the entire process, so 
all threads which are part of the process are affected. Use the 
 in DLL servers, in place of CD and CHDIR.”
The pertinent fact being: This command changes the default directory of the 
entire process, so all threads which are part of the process are affected. The 
same thing goes for CD and Chdir so using those as replacements is not an 
option unfortunately.

Has anyone any ideas as to how to produce a dialogue for saving/opening a file 
which doesn’t require the “set default to ” instruction?

I can modify all the timers to open tables based upon absolute paths but this 
would be a mega change which I am trying to avoid. Of course I could roll my 
own Getfile() unless anyone has one available!!!

All suggestions accepted, thanks in anticipation.

Dave Crozier
Software Development Manager
Flexipol Packaging Ltd.


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