
According to a recent thread at LevelExtreme, probably caused by a series
of recent W10 updates. The KB5001649 update seems to solve the issue.

Highlights: Updates an issue that fails to print the graphical content in a
document after installing the March 9, 2021 update.

On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 11:46 PM Philip Borkholder <>

> Hello,
> Has anyone run into this error with reports:
> Insufficient GDI resources (Error 2203)
> This past week all of a sudden multiple customers are receiving this error.
> I looked it up and found a windows registry key to set the GDI resources
> from the default 10000 to 30000 and that resolves the error.
> Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
> NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\
> GDIProcessHandleQuota from 10000 to 30000
> However, why would it just all of a sudden start doing this?
> I support two different ERP Systems written in Visual Foxpro 9sp2 and both
> are getting it on large print jobs that used to (prior to this past week)
> work just fine.
> Thank you,
> Philip B
> Vicksburg, MI
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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