This error is thrown for an invalid path.

Instead of SYS(5) + GETENV("HOMEPATH") you should use GETENV("USERPROFILE") 
that returns drive + path.

SYS(5) returns the current Visual FoxPro default drive than has nothing to do 
with the HOMEPATH location.

In some installation they probably are the same, but expect more configuration 
where it is not.


On Tue, 6 Apr 2021 13:56:25 -0400, "MB Software Solutions, LLC" 
<> wrote:

I get this error when executing a COPY TO .... TYPE XL5 line in a 
program designed over a decade ago: /OLE error code 0x80030003: Unknown 
COM status code. /

Interesting. I remoted into the guy's computer.  He said it's a fairly 
new laptop (3 months old?) and it's version is 2102 (Build 
13801.20360).  I fired up vRunFox.exe and did a simple xx = 
CREATEOBJECT("Excel.Application") and it worked fine.  What's strange to 
me is that the line throwing that Error 1426 is not an Excel automation 
line, but the COPY TO line.  I believe the problem is the lcFile 
variable.  When this code was written, Vista was the latest operating 
system.  You can see how I look at the OS() to select the proper area 
for My Documents.

                *** mjb 03/03/2010 - changed for Vista and beyond
                IF VAL(SUBSTR(OS(),9,1)) >= 6 THEN && Vista doesn't use My
                        lcDir = SYS(5) + ADDBS(GETENV("HOMEPATH")) + 
                ELSE && XP and below use My
                        lcDir = SYS(5) + ADDBS(GETENV("HOMEPATH")) + "My 
                lcFile = ADDBS(lcDir) + "Inventory_" + DTOC(DATE(),1)
                *** mjb 06/26/2017 - added nbrdft, ntotbf
                IF this.lShowZeroQty THEN
                        COPY TO (lcFile) FIELDS ccompany, cpalletsize, 
cdescription, nqtyonhand, nprice, ntotvalue, nbrdft, ntotbf FOR 
this.CustomerSelected(icustid) TYPE XL5
                        COPY TO (lcFile) FIELDS ccompany, cpalletsize, 
cdescription, nqtyonhand, nprice, ntotvalue, nbrdft, ntotbf FOR 
this.CustomerSelected(icustid) AND nQtyOnHand > 0 TYPE XL5

So in short, I think the fact that it's Error 1426 is misleading...I 
doubt it's an Excel problem at all but in fact a problem with that 
lcFile actual path derived.

I think somebody recently mentioned a Doug Hennig bit of code to look at 
the user's ACTUAL path to his documents area, iirc?  I'll dig for that 
later after an appt but wanted to throw this out there in the meanwhile 
in case others have the "I had that happen to me and this is how I fixed 
it!" kind of memory recall.  ;-)


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