We're glad so many have already registered for the May 6th Virtual Fox Fest. We 
still have room for many more.

If you're planning to attend, please register sooner rather than later. Our 
hard-working registration staff is an
organizer, and has a full-time job and then some working on customer projects. 
If too many of you wait until the week of
the conference to register, some people may not get the credentials in time to 
see the first session on May 6th. It
literally takes minutes for you to register, but it takes us longer to process 
your registration.

We don't want you to miss all the details about the conference we'll be sharing 
over the next couple of weeks. We want
you to have a chance to read the white papers and download the examples once we 
release them before the conference
starts. We'd hate to see you miss the opportunity to get a head start on all 
the goodies. Go get registered! Now,
really, don't waste another minute. Here is the link: 

Virtual Fox Fest is May 6th, 2021!

Only 24 days until we gather virtually via the Internet! Again, don't forget to 
register today!

Conference website: https://virtualfoxfest.com/

White Light Computing, Inc.


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