SMB1 is very slow, very insecure, and deprecated since 2014. They removed it 
from servers in 2017 IIRC.

> What do any experts on SMB protocol say/recommend for this situation?

In general, don't worry about it IMO. Every 5-10 years or so MS will update 
something in SMB and break it for applications like VFP and Access. The last of 
these flaps was in 2018, whereby updates were not getting written straight away 
in VFP, and the database file was getting corrupted in Access. At the time 
affected customers had to set one or all of FileInfoCacheLifetime, 
FileNotFoundCacheLifetime and DirectoryCacheLifetime to zero on problem 
workstations. MS seem to have fixed the problem in subsequent releases of 
Windows 10. 

  Alan Bourke
  alanpbourke (at) fastmail (dot) fm

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