=> Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 15:42
=> To: profox@leafe.com; ProLinux Email List
=> Subject: [NF] HOWTO: Dual boot with Fedora Core 6 and Windows XP
=> Not everyone has a half-dozen computers in their office or 
=> home so that they can use a separate machine for each OS 
=> they want to work with.
=> After all, Tom Watson of IBM once said that he couldn't 
=> imagine a need for more than five computers in the entire world.
=> Whil
Whil, that's a cute story that has taken on a life of its own.  I was with Tom 
at MIT in 1935 when he supposedly made that remark and I can tell you that he 
did not say that.  What he said was, "I don't think there is enough room on the 
planet for more than 4 or 5 of these things."

Of course a few years later, the aliens came with transistors and integrated 
circuits and in no-time flat, miniaturization made the planet big enough for 
many, many, many, many more of "these things."  But that is a different story.


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