On 1/5/07, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 4, 2007, at 5:54 PM, Jean Laeremans wrote:
> > As far as Linux goes you're right will be Java though as you may know
> > web apps are nowadays craze.
>         Yeah - there are about a zillion web frameworks in Python, but
> nothing for desktop apps, which is why we ended up creating Dabo.
Wondering when - not if - the pendulum will swing back....

> > BTW does running Dabo in any way involve touching the registry ?
> > Locked down PCs you see.
>         If you install the components individually, such as Python, MySQLdb,
> etc., I'm sure that most of them add registry entries. If you use the
> runtime engine, the only entries are the uninstall keys that
> InnoSetup creates. Dunno how that would work on a locked-down PC.
Shouldn't be a problem then as i use InnoSetup too without problems.


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