=> > Poppycock, Ed!  M$ makes a product.  You want to use it 
=> and you buy it 
=> > SUBJECT TO THE TERMS of the license agreement.  You don't like the 
=> > agreement?  Don't buy the product or negotiate a different 
=> agreement.
=>      Sorry, but copyright law doesn't work that way. IANAL, 
=> nor am I married to one, so I'll let someone who is explain it:
=> http://interactionlaw.com/id12.html
=> -- Ed Leafe

Fine, Ed.  Copyright law does not work that way but I am not referring to 
copyright law.  I am referring to licensing.  You can "copyright" your 
relationship with a person by marriage, but your marital relationship is not 
going to work out if you and your partner cannot come to terms on how you are 
going to live together.

The way the article is written (that is, the tone), we are arguing about a moot 
point because if M$ ever deigns to attempt to enforce the EULA, they will, ipso 
facto, lose the copyright, which is 1000% against what they got the copyright 
for in the first place.  So, let's all go out and violate every provision of 
the EULA.  Let's FORCE M$ to engage in this folly.  After a few years, the 
battle will be won and all M$ products will be in the PUBLIC DOMAIN!  

Clearly, there is nothing in  the EULA or the DMCA that is subject to 
interpretation.  500 years of jurisprudence has left no stone unturned and 
therefore we know that all contracts are clear and unambiguous and all 
important legal decisions have been made already.  So let's stop arguing about 
this and party!

And here's my slogan, at no additional charge:

You may be able to burn the Yule log only at Christmastime, but you can burn 
the EULA any day you choose (... and without infringing on the copyright.)


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