The real reason is that programming is an art, not a science...

Can't certify art...

Dave Crozier wrote:

>Hal wrote:
>"...A thorough understanding of algorithmic principles, database, some math,
>regression, ETHICS, etc. is what should qualify someone to be a computer
>TOTALLY WRONG Hal I'm afraid. The thing that qualifies someone to be a
>computer professional in its true sense (where software is concerned anyhow)
>is the ability to write GOOD software, and the definition of good will
>change depending upon the environment you are working in. Good in an
>emergency situation is a fix that works and gets the system live again
>however it is done. Good in a production environment means reliable and
>stable. Good in a performance dictated situation means fast and reliable.  
>It's just like driving. All drivers make mistakes, the difference between a
>good driver and a bad driver is that the good driver will always know
>whenever he/she has made a mistake and the majority of outsiders/onlookers
>will never ever notice the mistake. The bad driver is just a danger to
>others because he doesn't understand the ramification(s) of making a mistake
>- or even worse, what a "mistake" constitutes.
>Remember you don’t have to be able to read music to be a great musician.
>I'll take natural talent as opposed to paper qualifications any day of the
>week. Try and teach dancing to someone who has no sense of rhythm and you'll
>see exactly what I mean.
>Having all the paper qualifications only gives you a head start in the
>"ability to understand basic methodology" but there is absolutely NO
>substitute for experience and natural ability in this business.
>Dave Crozier
>-----Original Message-----
>Of Hal Kaplan
>Sent: 17 January 2007 20:55
>To: ProFox Email List
>Subject: RE: [NF] Microsoft Caught out - Naughty, Naughty!
>=> And the second problem is that all of the folks in the biz 
>=> would want to be grandfathered in. Who in their right mind 
>=> would submit to having to gain credentials (that they may or 
>=> may not be qualified to earn) to do what they've been doing 
>=> for the last 10 or 20 years?
>=> So, just like the answer about how God created the world in 
>=> 6 days.... 
>=> He didn't have to worry about the installed base.
>=> Whil
>During those 6 days, G-d did not create the AMA, ABA, AIA, AICPA, or any
>other professional group except perhaps for clergy.
>The "installed base" existed for all of these professions and it is now all
>a matter of history.  Some practioners fared better than others but on the
>whole society gained.  BTW, you do not need a degree in architecture to be
>an architect, or a law degree to be an attorney (I am not sure about
>medicine and accounting).  You can become a licensed professional through
>well-documented experience.  Of course you still need to take and pass the
>state licensing exam.  And I dare say that if a similarly-structured
>arrangement existed for people like us, a good number would pass the exam
>and gain "grandfather" status, others would fail, and still others would
>walk away or do nothing because the effective date for all of the lead-ins
>to congeal would probably be 6 to 10 years off. 
>What is needed to achieve widespread licensing is a catalyst such as a
>massive lapse of public safety or security that could be laid at the feet of
>the profession as it exists today.
>There are no questions of impartiality or any nonsense like that.  Those
>arguments are specious.  All professions have competing suppliers who will
>do almost anything to get and keep business ... ruthlessly and illegally
>too!  But the basics of these professions: the chemistry of life, anatomy,
>legal precedent, torts, etc. are independent of commercialism.  Intel and
>AMD may be making a lot of bits, but they did not invent them.  A thorough
>understanding of algorithmic principles, database, some math, regression,
>ETHICS, etc. is what should qualify someone to be a computer professional.
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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