At 02:03 PM 1/24/2007 -0200, Helio W. wrote:

>You can't be wrong Charlie. You must believe, otherwise you're unfaithful
>and will burn in hell.
>BTW, do you think that billions of hindus, buddhists, etc are all deluded

I don't mean to sound cruel, but yes, I do believe the beliefs of the 
Hindus, Buddhists, etc are not correct. But I can't say for sure what is in 
their heart. If you are born into a Hindu environment, and you never hear 
anything but Hindu teaching all your life, how could God condemn that 
person the hell? It doesn't sound fair to me. Again, all I can say is I 
have faith and trust in God to do what is right and just.

But I do believe that Christianity is the only way to salvation. When I 
talk with Hindus (Muslims, Buddhists, Mormons, etc) I just want to let them 
know what I believe. I don't call them stupid or jump up and down telling 
them they're going to hell (ya, I know, Christians may have a reputation 
for doing that). I'm simply doing what I'm called to do by my faith. If 
they tell me to take a hike, I will, no offense taken. It's up to God to 
work what he wants with that person. Maybe they'll remain in their religion 
and maybe that's OK with God, I really don't know. All I can do is let 
others know about what I believe.


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